Death and Transition

Normally, I would hold off on this topic/subject… just because it is soooo controversial. People have their opinions/beliefs about what takes place before, during and after death. I didn’t want to write about it now but the death of Chadwick Boseman struck a nerve. He died on August 28, 2020. He is widely known as King T’Challa, the King of Wakanda in Black Panther. Chadwick died of colon cancer at the age of 43. The news was a shocker and may he rest in eternal paradise. He was a joy to many fans around the world and by the people closest to him. He gave black people a sense of power and pride because we finally got our own superhero. His passing was so untimely to US but God knew it was his time that day.

Death is so dark and inevitable but we must remember that death is a transition. It is not final. Death is like a gateway into our spiritual essence because it kills the physical body.


We hear stories about people who had near death experiences or were pronounced dead by doctors but came back to life minutes or hours later. There are stories about people hovering over their dead bodies on the operating table or seeing people come in and out of the operating room. Some people had pleasant experiences and they were able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They were able to meet Jesus or see loved ones that passed on as well. However, some people went to a dark, dark place. They felt intense heat almost immediately and were assaulted by demons on their way to Hell. The voices and screams of lost souls burning all around them.

They automatically get the feeling that this is what will go on forever. They are conscious about Hell and are aware they are condemned to it forever. They come to the realization that they will be eternally and spiritually separated from the Lord Himself. There are only two transitions that will take place after death – Heaven or Hell. And if the Lord says it is not our time, then we must return back to our physical body. This is when we “come back to life.”

Our transition after this physical life is instant. In Sinful Nature, I wrote about how we inherited a sinful body because of the sin and disobedience of Adam, along with Satan’s deceptive nature. I linked a very telling page about people who were on their death beds but they were already feeling the effects of the afterlife. Some had warming encounters with the Lord and His Kingdom and others were.. suffering in agonizing pain. They felt the effects of the afterlife BEFORE they transitioned. How troubling it will be if we are in the state of unbelief and we have a one on one encounter with Hell itself in our physical existence.

The link is – just in case y’all want to check it out.

My friends, sometimes the good Lord will show us the aftermath of our sins by blessing us with the opportunity to see what lies beyond this Earth. The Lord will not always show us rainbows. Some of us will be sent to Hell as a warning from God about what is to come if we do not change our ways. That kind of spiritual reality will make ANYONE repent and draw close to the good Lord. Some of us do not experience this kind of warning and we find out the hard way – Hell. Or some of us already know that we’re living in darkness, so the end result is not all that surprising. Either way, we reap what we sow on Earth.

I consider this physical existence to be a test of our faith. This life is temporary and we have a short time to make up our minds about what we choose to do with it. Who and what we give our time to and what we choose to believe in A short time to connect with other human beings to make meaningful relationships. Basically, we only have a short time to truly experience The Essence of Life. Then, we transition to our eternal spirit. Death is not final. Yes, we must go through death ONE time, but only on one condition – we must be saved. If we’re not, the second death is Hell. My friends, choose wisely.

2 Corinthians 5:8 – “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the good Lord.”

When we are absent from the body, we are in the presence of the good Lord. Death has taken its course and we become eternal spirits. People get confused about His second coming and conclude that people are still sleeping in their physical bodies underneath the graves. No. Our soul either goes up or down. When the good Lord decides to make His grand entrance on Earth, His believers (their physical bodies in the grave) will be reunited with the soul. These physical bodies will be restored (from the dust) and glorified in full.

There are also reports about a “waiting place” when we pass on. People who are saved will wait in “Paradise” and people who were not will wait in “Hades.” I am not too sure about a waiting place so I do not want to offer an opinion that is misguided. However, I think that “Paradise and “Heaven” are used interchangeably. What do you think?


The fear of death is felt by those who knew someone who passed on. Especially if they suffered on Earth. Our fears of death also stems from “the unknown.” God’s Existence is questioned. Do we just live once and that is it? We go back to dust, never to be resurrected again? Will we see our loved ones again? Are we going to rejoice in Heaven with all of our friends/family and live happily ever after? What if I go the other route – the opposite of Heaven? These fears are normal and expected. However, people who are content in the Lord, are unfazed by death in its entirety. Their faith keeps them justified and their trust in the Lord takes away any doubts about their souls in the afterlife. I guess the only fear they do have is the thought of having their loved ones going “down below.”

There are days when I do not worry about death and some days I do. Not being able to accomplish my dreams and aspirations. Not being able to find the love of my life beforehand. We never know when we will draw our last breath and the thought of not knowing, is an unsettling feeling. We want a peaceful death and a long life but the truth is – those two things might not happen. Our death can be painful and our lives can be cut short. But to my readers, which one do you prefer? Knowing the day and hour you’ll die or not? Let me know.

Furthermore, praying to the Lord to protect us is one way of reassuring ourselves that the Lord is in control. The Lord knows when it is our time. We don’t. It is beyond our control. But there is one thing we can/do control – our faith. We will know if our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient enough if we are able to endure what life throws at us. Struggles that should break us down mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically – doesn’t. We come out on the other side. We’re hurt but not defeated. This life is scary y’all. There are so many uneventful things that can take place so quick and sometimes – we never fully recover. The best we can do is love one another, help each other grow and love/know the Lord. These 3 things are what we have control over.

Three Things

There are three things that must end when it comes to the Second Coming of the Lord. In other words – there are three enemies that must be dealt with accordingly so that evil will be no more. The first enemy – Satan. His confinement to the Lake of Fire is certain, along with his demonic helpers. Since he was the entity that caused Adam and Eve to sin and become disobedient to God, he is the first to go. Next – Sin. Through Adam and Eve, we inherit a sinful human nature because of their willingness to go against orders of what NOT to eat in the Garden of Eden. Because of sin, we live in a world full of evil and corruption so that’ll be the second enemy to go. Last – Death. “The wages of sin is death.” Death will be the last to go because it came after the devil’s deceitfulness and sin. If you ask me, it is also the most powerful because everyone will have to experience it once.


In conclusion, death is inescapable but do not let it upset you. Death is a transition, it is not final. It is at an instant that we are in the presence of the good Lord or that other place. We must remain strong in our faith and leave everything up to God. The Lord is a God of miracles so even when our circumstances seem terminal or too ugly to fix, God is still the ultimate Ruler of this Universe. Doors that the Lord opens, can NEVER be closed!!! Doors that the Lord closes, can never be opened!! Including Him in every decision we make and in every aspect of our lives WILL yield great results!

Please trust in Him. If you are down to your last straw and ready to give up, look to the Lord! What more do you have to lose? I promise you He’ll give you rest. The Lord is good y’all. Our fear should only be in the Lord. He has the power to destroy both the BODY and SOUL. Death only destroys the body.

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