Materialistic Things

Materialistic things are temporary. If some of us think money is everything, we are in DEEP trouble. If we put all of our worth in the cars we drive, the house we live in, the careers we have, our net worth, designer clothes/shoes we wear and the jewelries we have… we’re in BAD shape. That is not what life is about. Yes, these things are enjoyable but just like everything in life, they’re temporary. Plus, who is to say that these things cannot be stolen, destroyed and/or lost? An unfortunate natural catastrophe or burglary of some sort can surely be devastating. Our life should not be solely comprised of materialistic things.

There is so much more to life than thinking about what we can buy with our money. To me, life is about helping people to be the best they can be. There is something about seeing the smiles on the faces of people who are grateful to have you in their lives. People who are genuinely thankful for our help and/or service is a different kind of happiness. To inspire those to be better and help those that are less fortunate is special. To ultimately have the Lord’s Hand in everything we do, is a welcoming blessing every single day.

Positively impacting the lives of other people is one of three purposes for my life. The first one, for me, is to strengthen my fellowship with the Lord and put Him first in everything I do. Everything that is supposed to fall in place – will. If those things consist of me having a big bank account, living nicely, and blessing others, so be it! Second – helping people to discover their strengths spiritually! Our Purpose in Life is destined for success when the Lord is at play. The moral of this story is to not solely depend on the lavish things in life to make us happy. They are fleeting accessories.

Some of us spend our lives trying to impress others with what we have. Isn’t that depressing? Doesn’t that tire you out? Most of us do not live like kings and queens. We come from working class families and we do not have that kind of luxury. We work towards building a better future for ourselves and our family. However, we must explore various leisure activities that makes us happy.

Take up a new hobby.

Take that vacation you’ve been wanting to take.

Socialize and meet new like minded individuals. Please do not work so hard in hopes of trying to acquire the biggest house in the neighborhood. Please do not forget to appreciate the little things in life. Life is not promised tomorrow. However, if planning to buy the biggest house and working 24/7 brings you happiness, by all means do what you want to do. Just make sure the stress does not overwhelm you to the point of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. Remember to laugh. Always remember to thank God for another day. Happiness is priceless.

Materialistic things and a lavish lifestyle might be our very downfall in life. Having access to means that are expensive/inexpensive is not always a good thing. Just because something is accessible, doesn’t mean we need it. There are endless of stories online where celebrities, who we think have it all, kill themselves because they are unhappy… coupled in with other factors. We think how? They have this and that. They’re beautiful. Money is not an issue. Their houses are jaw dropping. Cars are speedy/flashy. Amazing balls and elegant parties. Fans/supporters are worshipping them like gods. What happened? My friends, this is the prime example of why materialistic things and a lavish lifestyle does not mean squat if we’re unhappy.

It is deeply saddening when we hear about people who feel like they have nothing to live for. I’m sorry that there are some of us who are feeling like that right now. Life has its ups and downs. But the true test of it all is the ability to get back up when our hardships becomes too much to bear. With the help of God, He will graciously bless us with the strength to carry on. Please don’t give up. And I’m not saying putting trust in the Lord will make every worry in life go away. (Idle Words). What I am saying is the Lord will be with us through it all. What we can endure, what we cannot, He will not burden us with more than what we can handle. He will never forsake us. That is His promise.

Let us not be fooled by the riches of life. Especially if they are of physical things. Our character, our faith in the Lord, and helping others through their difficult times, are incomparable. I am not saying to not enjoy the materialistic things you have acquired through hard work, but I am saying to not fully indulge in them either. Do not be so caught up in spending and buying, that we disregard everything else in life. It seems robotic. To make money then spend it on things that we think are of value and the cycle repeats. No room for leisure activities, friends and family, or God Himself.

My friends, by joyful in all that you do. But don’t focus on one aspect of life and overlook another. Buy what makes you happy but don’t let it consume you. Take some time to enjoy life 🙂

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