Regret and Anguish

This topic is focused on discussing the regret and anguish people have when they die in their unbelief/sin. Also, a feeling of regret when we engage in activities that negatively and adversely affect our life course. Let’s dive in.

When we think about Hell, we normally think about lost, damned souls burning incessantly forever. However, after watching some videos online, I feel like there is more to the spiritual realm than what we hear/read. The Lord is in control of all things so is it possible that He can design a Hell that is personally designed for a specific person?

We do not know what really goes on in the spiritual world until we pass on. Yes, we hear testimony about people who died and came back, people who experienced that dark place, people who went to Heaven, etc., but we don’t truly know how everything is until we are fully and spiritually on the other side. Nevertheless, I highly advise you to learn and read about people who experienced an other worldly phenomena – it can be enlightening. I think it is also important to know that this physical life is not the final destination for us.

Furthermore, there is one specific emotion that we all share in one form or another – regret. The reason obviously varies but unfortunately, once we’ve passed on, there is no turning back. No more opportunities. A chance of repenting. (Unforgivable Sin and Death). The cries for mercy are going unanswered and we soon begin to realize that He** is all we have to look forward to….. forever.

How we live our lives may be influencing how it will go in the spiritual world. I admit, I am not so keen on talking about that dark place but it’s inescapable if we are not willing to fix our spiritual state. Only the Lord knows how it will go and if we die in our unbelief and in rejection of Him, there is no telling what is in store for us.

There are several videos online about certain people who had visions about celebrities passing on and where they ended up in the afterlife. Unfortunately, based on the videos I’ve seen, most of these visions reveal that some celebrities found themselves “down there.” And it is not to say that every celebrity that passed on ended up in that place. However, according to these videos, there are common emotions that are felt by these celebrities who passed on – regret and anguish.

In particular, I was watching a man who has “visions” from the Lord and he documents them on his Youtube channel. He has visions about a couple of celebrities and their final fate in the spiritual realm. Out of respect for the deceased, I will not disclose their names nor will I talk about their fate extensively because there are certain key traits that will automatically identify the person in question if I were to elaborate on the video in this discussion.

Furthermore, the conviction on his face and how visibly and emotionally affected he was by these revelations, led me to believe that he was in fact telling the truth. In the video, he was also speaking in tongues, or so it seemed like. His explanations about what he saw in this vision, that he claimed came from the Lord, was enough to make me watch his videos.

In his vision, he said that he saw boys/men in Chicago who lived a lifestyle of guns and died. The man in the video remembered being in a dark place (He**). He can literally feel the darkness. He saw boys running past him back and forth, exceedingly fast with TERROR written all over their faces. It finally dawned on the man that he was hearing bullets flying everywhere between these young boys/men. They were shooting each other from all angles and directions. They were running away in fear because they were getting shot at and they themselves were shooting at others. They all had the mentality of “kill or be killed.”

Of course, in He**, there is no death anymore so the pain of being riddled with bullets is a constant and everlasting feeling. They may wish for death but it’ll never come. This is what they must endure for the rest of eternity…. Imagine that? The man in the video said that this was their personal He** because of how they lived their lives here on Earth. That got me thinking….. that is an interesting take but no one really knows for sure. What do y’all think?


Slightly off topic, but I find it pretty absurd how obsessive people can be with celebrities. They have them plastered all over their walls, they’ll pay thousands of dollars to see them live, they talk extensively about them to their friends/family, they’ll do “anything” to meet them, etc. Worshipping these celebrities is scary because they are not gods/goddesses. They are just people like us. They’re just known and popular people who so happen to be talented and blessed with fame. Yes, I do have favorites like Mariah Carey, Regina Hall, Natalie Portman, Chadwick Boseman (RIP), LeBron James, Kobe (RIP), Tyler Perry, Angelina Jolie, etc., but I’m not obsessed with their lives. I like their music/movies/talents and I appreciate how skillful they are/were in their crafts – but that is about it.

I don’t worship them nor will I ever bow down to any human being that breathes the same way I do (with the exception of the Lord). But when I see and/or hear about people idolizing excessively over a certain celebrity because of their good looks and/or talents, it’s worrisome. It’s unhealthy.

I’ve heard stories of a few celebrities who enjoyed the admiration they received from supporters all over the world. Rightfully so. To have people who support us is a blissful feeling. However, if we start to become cocky about our success and believe that we’re above the next person, that becomes a problem. We’re all the same. Some are more well known than others. Others are richer. Happier. Poorer. But in the end, we are all humans.

As mentioned in previous blog posts, there are some of us who believe that they got to the top without any help from people or blessings from the Lord. Not giving credit where credit is due is a sore mistake (Grateful). Not giving thanks to God for His grace is also a sore mistake. Dying as a celebrity and not giving thanks to the Lord for the many talents He blessed us with and not directing peoples’ attention to Him will be judged by Him accordingly. To put it plainly, accepting all of this glamorization from people all over the world and not bringing up that it is because of the Lord we are able to do such things, is wrong.

The Lord gives people huge platforms in order for them to help others and help spread the Gospel. Not using our platform to do so will be one of the things the Lord will judge us with. Some celebrities, I suppose, are not spiritually conscious about the Lord and/or choose to ignore Him entirely but Hollywood is a place of wizardry so it is in their best interest to stay grounded with the Lord so they won’t be negatively influenced with the wrong crowd.

Celebrities and Hollywood… a lot goes on that we don’t know about. We hear about the illuminati, Selling a Soul, evil rituals, etc. In the end, we reap what we sow. Some people who found themselves “down there” may want to warn their friends and family about the horrible things they endured but can’t. It’s too late. Regret and anguish is sinking in. That place of torment will be ALL that we know. For eternity. My friends, you are wholeheartedly advised.


Before I end this blog, I also would like to bring up an episode I watched from a tv show called Believers. I forgot the episode number but it was a very unfortunate episode nevertheless. So I will summarize the episode to make it easy to understand.

To begin, Believers, is a show about people who didn’t believe in the supernatural or paranormal. They were skeptical and/or doubted anything that dealt with the spirit world – until they had a first hand account with a spirit. These are true stories told by real people. I’ll be skipping from one point to the next but they will be chronological order. Now let’s dive in.

There was this lovely old couple who bought an old school (could be an elementary school) that was left in ruins. They were planning to remodel the entire building because it was badly damaged. They were already retired and thought it would be nice to live out their lives in that building. (I forgot their names but let’s make it Dan and Jane). Jane was in a room downstairs painting the walls when the door closed on her out of nowhere. Jane, thinking Dan was playing a joke on her, called out to him to open the door because apparently it was locked. Jane was yelling at this point because Dan was upstairs and finally heard her screams. As he approaches the door, there is literally a chair leaning against it – preventing Jane from exiting that room! Scary! Both Jane and Dan did not know how that happened.

Next, Jane and Dan are both sleeping until Dan was awakened by something that sounded like shoes in a drying machine. Dan goes to the laundromat to check it out and opens up the dryer and I think there was nothing inside of it if I’m not mistaken. However, Dan started hearing voices of little children frolicking all around him and he felt that there was a presence with him. As he turned around, Dan saw a little boy standing right in front of him. I believe Dan said he yelled and Jane came running to his side.

Fast forward, in the morning, Jane’s back was turned to the basement. Unbeknownst to her, the basement door was opened and she felt as if there were little hands that grabbed her ankles – which pulled her down the stairs. She was mildly injured by the whole ordeal. Dan felt that there was something evil in the house and that if he didn’t do anything about it, things can get worse. So they decided to hold a seance. (NOOO).

They lit candles and everything. They tried to contact the spirit and out of nowhere, a blow took place on Jane’s chest. She was coughing uncontrollably and Dan abruptly ended the seance because Jane was attacked. The next few months, Jane’s cough got worse and I believe she either had TB or pneumonia. Unfortunately, Jane died. She never recovered from that day. That is Dan’s biggest regret and that day still haunts him now. Of course, he moved out of that building ever since what happened. Dan believed whatever vengeful spirit that was in that building, killed Jane. Sad, sad story. That is why it is highly forbidden in the Bible to contact spirits by any means. You never know who you are speaking with. These unclean spirits are waiting for the perfect moment to come in and destroy our lives and when we go through supernatural means of wanting to contact them, they got us right where they want us.

Conclusively, I had to tell y’all this story because there is a feeling of regret in partaking in activities that are not recommended. It is important to NOT seek spiritual means to communicate with the spiritual realm.

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